Advanced Search

General Searching

  • All searches are case insensitive - i.e. the case of the characters is not important.
    • FRED is the same as fred
  • You can use the '*' wild card to find a broader match
    • world - will search for "world" and find titles that contain the WORD "world" anywhere in the title
    • wor* - will find titles that contain words that START with "wor" (e.g. work, world, wordt, words, etc.)
    • There isn't an "ends with" search
  • Common words
    • We ignore common words and characters such as where, the, how, and other digits and letters which slow down your search without improving the results.

Boolean Searching

  • 'OR' Search
    • To find pages that include either of two search terms, add an OR between the terms
    • For example, here's how to search for a vacation in either London or Paris
      • vacation london OR paris
  • 'AND' Search
    • To find pages that include both search terms, add an AND between the terms
    • For example, here's how to search for a vacation in either USA and Canada
      • vacation USA AND Canada
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